星期六, 3月 24, 2007


Subject :Conference

What will you think about conference ?

If your boss assign you to hold a big meeting , what will you do?

First, to avoid being overcrowded, you have to select one meeting room which accommodate the various needs of the groups using it. Next, preparing all arrangements for this meet is important. When making the arrangement for a conference, you arrange more detail is better. Before selecting a site and final location, you like to tour the conference facility for making sure they all suit the necessary details. Then, you can make a rehearsal to check all plan is smooth.

accommodate (SUIT) /əˈkɒm.ə.deɪt/ US /-ˈkɑː.mə-/
verb [T]
to give what is needed to someone:
We always try to accommodate our clients with financial assistance if necessary.

arrange (PLAN) /əˈreɪndʒ/
verb [I or T]
to plan or prepare for; to organize:
arrangement /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/
1 [C usually plural] a plan for how something will happen:
I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week.

association (GROUP) /əˌsəʊ.siˈeɪ.ʃən/ US /-ˌsoʊ-/
group noun [C]
a group of people who are united in a single organization for a particular purpose:
Have you joined the teachers' association?

attend /əˈtend/
verb [I] FORMAL
to give attention to what someone is saying:
attend (BE PRESENT) /əˈtend/
1 [I or T] to go to an event, place, etc:
We expect more than 100 members to attend th annual meeting.

get in touch

hold (MAKE HAPPEN) /həʊld/ US /hoʊld/
verb [T] held, held
to make something, especially a meeting or an election happen:
This meeting roome holds at least 80 people comfortably.

location (POSITION) /ləʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/ US /loʊ-/
a place or position:
The location of the meeting was changed from the Red Room to the Green Room.

overcrowded /ˌəʊ.vəˈkraʊ.dɪd/ US /ˌoʊ.vɚ-/
containing too many people or things:
As soon as the guests entered the dining room for dinner, Sue Lin could see that the room would become overcrowded.

register (LIST) /ˈredʒ.ɪ.stəʳ/ US /-stɚ/
verb [I or T]
to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record:
noun [C]
1 a book or record containing a list of names:
According to the register, more than 250 people attended the afternoon seminar.

session (FORMAL MEETING) /ˈseʃ.ən/
noun [C or U]
a formal meeting or series of meetings of an organization such as a parliament or a law court:
Due to the popularity of this course, we will offer two sessions.

take part in   v to join or participate

星期三, 3月 21, 2007


pickle /ˈpɪk.ļ/
1 [C or U] (a sauce made from) vegetables or fruit which have been preserved in a vinegar sauce or salty water
pickle /ˈpɪk.ļ/
verb [T]
to preserve vegetables or fruit in a vinegar sauce or salty water:

星期六, 2月 03, 2007

Like and Dislike

There are many things that can cause one to feel stressed, tired, or iritable. One's mind and body needs to remain peaceful and calm. The easiest and most enjoyable soluction to get one's erratic cells back "in tune" is through music.
Music is a great resource that has a very tranquilizing effect. It can help the mind to concentrate. When arranged and presented in a calming manner, music has many positive physical effects.

Listening to the soothing tones of chant or Native American flute and harp is a great way to get the body resonating back to its natural state. Every cell in the human body has its own natural resonting frequency. When one's frequencies resonate in sync , he or she is " in tune" When the cells are "out of tune" that leads him or her to feel unwell.

One can immediately become relaxed by listening to soothing music. Long-term effects of inner peace and tranquility will become present with prolonged listening.