星期四, 9月 01, 2005

Going for a Wild Ride

Bart's mom kept her word as promised. She took Bart and Lisa, her daughter,out to Great Adventure for a good time. After that, she dropped Bart off at home and brought Lisa to the mall to shop for clothes. Bart rattles on about his day to his grandmother.

Grandma: Did you have the time of your life today?
Bart: It was awesome.
Grandma: Tell me all about it.
Bart: When we first entered the amusement park, we got to meet some Warner Brothers characters face to face. Lisa and I got to take photos with Bugs Bunny, Tweety,and Daffy Duck.
Grandma: How sweet! I must ask your mom to make up some duplicates of those photos for me.
Bart: First, we went on ride called"Batman the Ride", which was cool. Next we went on some water rides. I got soaked to the skin, but Mon and Lisa didn't have a drop on them.
Grandma: It's just a matter of luck sometimes.
Bart: The best of all the rides was Kingda Ka--the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth. We went on it three times.
Grandma: What did it feel like?
Bart : It was thrilling, and the sudden drops were exhilarating. I got butterflies in my stomach every time the drops came.
Grandma: You weren't scared silly?
Bart : No. However, the last time we took the ride, Lisa tossed her cookies.
Grandma: Good grief! Is Lisa OK?
Bart : She lived. She's such a porker. I warned her not to drink three milkshakes before that ride. After that, Mon wouldn't let us go on any fast ride--only the wimpy merry-to-round.
Grandma: It was better to be safe than sorry.
