星期三, 8月 16, 2006


這兩天被日本案,忙的頭昏腦脹。 在這個過程中,一直在思考者如何擬定計畫。定計畫並非只有時間行程,而是還要有每個時程之間的status更新。要像鳥瞰一樣,能夠Total review整個計畫的狀態。




星期日, 1月 22, 2006


When is the projcet due?
We need to have it by Monday.
have to
have got to
狀態助動詞 "must" 以及片語 "have to"、"need to" 與 "have got to",都在表達必須性或必要性。

Bruce need to attend last week's conference in Taipei?
have to
Yes, he needed to attend the conference.
had to


You haven't got to finish this report until tomorrow.
don't have to
don't need to

You didn't have to finish this report yesterday.
didn't need to finish this report yesterday.
而 "need to"、"have to" 與 "have got to" 的否定式,則表示不必要或不必須。請注意現在與過去的形式。
You mustn't smoke in the hall.
至於 "must" (must not / mustn't) 的否定式則有不允許的意思

星期六, 1月 21, 2006



頻率副詞須置於 "to be" 動詞之後。在使用任何其它動詞時,頻率副詞則置於動詞之前。
usually 是例外,usually 可以放在be 動詞前面
He usually doesn't come in. = He does not usually come in.

Rupert is always on time for a meeting.
Rupert always arrives on time for a meeting.

I have to fly to New York once a while
once a month
every month
twice a year
three time a month
serveal times a year

How often does R&D come up with a new fragrance?
About once a month.
These days, my company isn't doing well.
Right now,
At the moment,
When is someone usually available?

星期三, 1月 11, 2006

unit 2 連貫翻譯之逛夜市

一、 什麼…一直 是什麼
The bustling night market has always been one of Taiwan's unique tourist hot spots, and a favorite for food lovers.

The Java has been one of world best object-oriented language.

bustling熱鬧的 = hot and noisy

I have been working here for three years.(連續)
She has gone to Bali island with his boy friend.(結果)
I have just finished my homework(完成)

二、在…(地方) 你可以…,讓你…
At night markets, you can find all kinds of snacks from different regions, allowing you to eat to your heart's content.

At supermarket, you can find all kinds of foods from different shelf, allowing you to buy what you need at a time.

Although the food at night markets is tasty and cheap, you should pay attention to cleanliness and avoid eating anything that looks unhygienic.

Although the E99 in 322 is common , you should beware of TP action and avoid happening same kind error.

星期二, 1月 10, 2006


During my free time , the thing i like to do best is watch a movie with my girl friend.

Although I usually worn out after a fully day of watching, I always feel full of substance in my brain.
worn out = tried out
三、我認為... 只要…就可…
I believe your life can be better if you develop a wide variety interests.

Beside watching , I also like to attend swiming club and other exercises.
=in addition to
= aside from
=apart from


其實潘朵拉的寶盒指的是重啟記錄blog… 今天中午又看了記憶力這本書。書中有頭腦十大暖身操…
其中一個就是記日記,曾經寫過幾次,但是都半途而廢了… 今日重啟這Blog 不想給自已壓力,

心中有什麼東西,就寫些什麼… 一切很隨興。

