星期三, 1月 11, 2006

unit 2 連貫翻譯之逛夜市

一、 什麼…一直 是什麼
The bustling night market has always been one of Taiwan's unique tourist hot spots, and a favorite for food lovers.

The Java has been one of world best object-oriented language.

bustling熱鬧的 = hot and noisy

I have been working here for three years.(連續)
She has gone to Bali island with his boy friend.(結果)
I have just finished my homework(完成)

二、在…(地方) 你可以…,讓你…
At night markets, you can find all kinds of snacks from different regions, allowing you to eat to your heart's content.

At supermarket, you can find all kinds of foods from different shelf, allowing you to buy what you need at a time.

Although the food at night markets is tasty and cheap, you should pay attention to cleanliness and avoid eating anything that looks unhygienic.

Although the E99 in 322 is common , you should beware of TP action and avoid happening same kind error.
