星期三, 12月 14, 2005




星期日, 12月 11, 2005

Winter Clothing

1. glove(s) 手套 2. sweater 毛衣 3. Gore-tex jacket 防水透氣夾克 4. shawl 披肩;披巾 5. ski hat/knit hat 針織的)滑雪帽 6. earmuff(s) 禦寒耳罩 7. jacket 夾克 8. boot(s) 靴子 9. vest 背心 10. fleece pullover 外觀類似羊毛材質)套頭毛衣 11. wool sock(s) 羊毛襪12. turtleneck 高領上衣 13. overcoat 大衣 14. mitten(s) (拇指分開, 剩下四指連在一起的15. scarf 圍巾 16. down jacket 羽絨夾克(背心)
1. leather jacket 皮夾克 2. long-sleeve shirt 長袖襯衫 3. flannel shirt 法蘭絨襯衫 4. sweatshirt (圓領長袖)汗衫;運動服 5. sweatpants 運動長褲 6. snowsuit(兒童穿的)禦寒大衣 7. parka(連有頭套的)防寒外套;連帽外套 8. leg warmer(s)(只套住腿而不包住腳的)暖腿套 9. slipper(s)室內便鞋(在西方,slipper(s) 通常指有加襯裡、非常暖和、 適合在寒冷的天氣裡穿的鞋) 10. ski mask 滑雪面罩 11. wool (n.) 羊毛 12. woolly (adj.) 羊毛製的 13. down (n.) 絨毛;羽絨 14. long underwear 長的內衣褲;衛生衣褲 15. lined (adj.) 加了襯裡的 16. lining (n.) 衣服的襯裡 17. insulated (adj.) 絕緣的;隔熱的(可藉此保暖) 18. insulation (n.) 絕緣;隔熱 19. waterproof (adj.) 防水的 20. water-resistant (adj.) 抗水的 21. chilly (adj.) 寒冷的 22. frigid (adj.) 嚴寒的 23. freezing (adj.) 極度寒冷的 24. numb (adj.) 麻木的;失去感覺的 25. frozen (adj.) 冷凍的;凍僵的

A little bird told me(有人偷偷告訴我

小鳥在此引申指消息的來源,故 a little bird told me 常用來指「有人私下告訴我;我聽說……」。
A little bird told me that you were getting married. When's the big day?

Kerry: How did you find out the company was going public?
Ian: A little bird told me.

星期三, 12月 07, 2005

some time 與sometime和sometimes的區別

some time 、sometime 和 sometimes 的區別在哪裡?下列的解釋和例句跟你說明白

It is easy to get these three words mixed up if you don't fully understand the
difference between them. Some time means a period of time, as in, "Paul has
been working here for quite some time." Sometime is an adverb that can
mean "any unspecified time in the future or past." For example: "I will get
around to it sometime". Sometimes is an adverb meaning "occasionally."
So, take care when you are using these three words.

如果你不完全了解這三個字之間的差別,很容易會把它們被弄混。Some time 是指一段時間,如:「保羅已經在這裡工作挺長一段時間了。」Sometime 是副詞,指「在未來或過去的任何一個不特定時間」,例如:「我會找時間去做那件事的。」Sometimes 是副詞,指「有時候」。所以用這三個字的時候要特別注意。

For some time I have been thinking about getting a dog.


Maggie will get married sometime in the future.


It was sometime last night that the bank was robbed.


Sometimes I like to walk along the river by myself.

星期二, 11月 22, 2005

今天用VE 作了一個簡單的聊天室,有點東西來實作,比一直看著書好多了,往後有空時,多想一些題目來實作比較實際,到年底前我要用VE實做出一個RSS新聞導覽的工具出來。 ^ ^。

星期二, 11月 15, 2005

Head First ---> Java 漫畫書

今天又加買了一本Head First 的書,覺得這本書真是太棒了,像是在看漫畫一樣的有趣,尤其是深入淺出Java 2 這本的翻譯太厲害了,把無間道的內容都寫進去了。…有了這些書的幫助,我想…我要出運了。^^

星期四, 11月 10, 2005



要不是之前擦的悠悠藥效不佳,我才不想花這錢。 我強烈懷疑這病是從游泳


星期三, 11月 09, 2005



言歸~ ,今天又筆折了,要上正式環境的卻漏上一個,等User反應才上,唉!


星期六, 11月 05, 2005



星期五, 11月 04, 2005





星期四, 9月 01, 2005

Going for a Wild Ride

Bart's mom kept her word as promised. She took Bart and Lisa, her daughter,out to Great Adventure for a good time. After that, she dropped Bart off at home and brought Lisa to the mall to shop for clothes. Bart rattles on about his day to his grandmother.

Grandma: Did you have the time of your life today?
Bart: It was awesome.
Grandma: Tell me all about it.
Bart: When we first entered the amusement park, we got to meet some Warner Brothers characters face to face. Lisa and I got to take photos with Bugs Bunny, Tweety,and Daffy Duck.
Grandma: How sweet! I must ask your mom to make up some duplicates of those photos for me.
Bart: First, we went on ride called"Batman the Ride", which was cool. Next we went on some water rides. I got soaked to the skin, but Mon and Lisa didn't have a drop on them.
Grandma: It's just a matter of luck sometimes.
Bart: The best of all the rides was Kingda Ka--the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth. We went on it three times.
Grandma: What did it feel like?
Bart : It was thrilling, and the sudden drops were exhilarating. I got butterflies in my stomach every time the drops came.
Grandma: You weren't scared silly?
Bart : No. However, the last time we took the ride, Lisa tossed her cookies.
Grandma: Good grief! Is Lisa OK?
Bart : She lived. She's such a porker. I warned her not to drink three milkshakes before that ride. After that, Mon wouldn't let us go on any fast ride--only the wimpy merry-to-round.
Grandma: It was better to be safe than sorry.